
Week 01: Welcome to CSE565M!

Week 02: Introduction to Reconfigurable Logic and FPGAs

Week 03: Using the Build/Compute Resources and Introduction to FIR Filters

Week 04: Work on Lab 1 and Find a Manuscript to Present

Week 05: FIR Filters and HW Design Intros

Week 06: CORDIC/Paper Presentation Assignment

Week 07: TBD/Student Presentations

Week 08: Finish CORDIC/Student Presentations

Oct 15
No class; work on Final Project Ideas
A good use of time would be to
  • start mapping out your final project proposal
  • start thinking about final project ideas
    • note that you don’t have to roll entirely new projects from scratch
    • Search “hls fpga” or “hls fpga vitis” for ideas
    • perfectly fine to augment existing projects for your own purposes
    • also fine to start from scratch
    • use Vitis Libraries as inspiration
      • note that I’ve linked the 2023.1 branch
  • start thinking about how you’ll create your final poster
Oct 17
Student Presentations
A High Performance FPGA-based Accelerator for Large-scale Convolutional Neural Networks
Chenyang Huang, slides
PASTA: Programming and Automation Support for Scalable Task-Parallel HLS Programs on Modern Multi-Die FPGAs
Jonathan Ko, slides
A 475 MHz Manycore FPGA Accelerator for RTL Simulation
Owen Cromly, slides
Lab 2 Assigned
Studio 1 Due

Week 09: TBD/Student Presentations

Week 10: TBD/Student Presentations

Week 11: TBD/Student Presentations

Week 12: TBD/Student Presentations

Week 13: TBD/Student Presentations

Week 14: TBD

Week 15: TBD

Dec 3
Dec 5
Final Presentations
Final Project and Presentation Due